Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 2 recap, and a little breakthrough!

Going in to day 2 of Herbalife I was a little apprehensive (my bad), but I slept horribly the night before and knew that coffee was going to be on my radar all morning.
B and I met up in the morning and made our first shake...

vanilla with peanut butter and granola
...did our tea shot and took the vitamins...

herbal tea concentrate, multivitamin, cell activator, and cell-u-loss

...and within a half hour I hit a wall.
I wasn't expecting that.
I was so tired I had to lay down at work and take a 15 minute power nap.  Frustrated, I talked to my "coach" and let him know I really needed coffee.  He encouraged me to keep pushing through it and drink more I did...and by the afternoon I had a lot more energy.

I counted how much protein I had throughout the day, and counted calories as well...I focused more on protein.  100 grams of protein is my goal each each day, on day 2 I hit 113!  So I skipped my last snack and let myself have a small chocolate treat.  :)

My meals broke down like this:
Breakfast: vanilla healthy meal shake with 1/4 c low sugar granola and 1 tbsp of peanut butter
Snack: hard boiled egg, roma tomato, and 1/2 c cottage cheese (I was HUNGRY)
Lunch: vanilla healthy meal shake with 1/4 c oats, 1 peach, and 1/2 a banana
Snack: string cheese and 1 hard boiled egg, handfull of edamame
Dinner: 1/2 c rice, 1 large chicken breast seasoned with sea salt, 1/2 an avocado sliced on top with salsa
Treat: 1 piece of chocolate

I increased my water intake, and started adding lemon juice to it to make it a LITTLE easier to drink so much throughout the day.  :)

All in all, day 2 was a little harder...but very worth it.

Today marks day 3, after today I will take my measurements and weigh again, but this morning I took a sneak peak and discovered I have lost 3 1/2 pounds!
May not sound like a lot, but I did that without even looking at a gym...each step counts!...tonight I'm going to do 30 min of yoga and a run around my neighborhood SINCE IT'S FINALLY WARMING UP!!!

I'm way excited to weigh and measure tomorrow and see how the rest of the week goes!  I'll post my day 3 meals tonight :)

PS...anyone who watches Glee...HALLELUJAH KURT AND BLAINE!!!  The moment I've been holding my breath for since yummy Blaine first batted his eyes :)